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Illustration / Infographics

employee numbers infographic.jpg

Various Infographics used to convey information using shape and colour to clarify your message or information.

These illustrations and infographics cover a range of techniques and media, using Adobe Illustrator / Photoshop as well as hand drawing and colouring.

Examples shown here include dry, technical information made to be understood and attractive, as well as cute, dramatic imagery for children.

workforce gender infographic.jpg
Infographic Bark and Ride.jpg

Simple visual for social media relaying information on dog body language using an informative photograph and coordinated explanations.


An infographic developed to explain the benefits for patients, laboratory staff and clinicians using specific testing techniques.

Optilite benefits icons.jpg

Illustrations: Esmo Catface is a hand drawn character I designed for a children's story. He was created using ink and watercolours.


He has several equally colourful friends.

Esmo's main joys in life are sleeping and baseball boots.


At the moment he is feeling a little queezy...



Esmo Catface layout dps eg copy.jpg.jpg
Esmo Catface s.jpg
Amyloid fibril.jpg

Amyloid Fibril

Adobe Illustrator, finished in Photoshop.


Amyloid fibrils are peptide or protein aggregates that form under certain conditions in the human body.

Marvin Varmint is one of Esmo's friends and is feeling hungry, as usual...

spock-love long print s.png

An affectionate rendering of Star Trek's Mr Spock using Adobe Illustrator.
(Valentines cards available via the shop on my glass site!)

chameleon 19.jpg


(created in Illustrator,

finished in Photoshop)



cham microscope leafwith bg.jpg

The chameleon was an obvious choice for  use in printed advertisements representing how some cells are hard to differentiate from their surroundings when trying to diagnose certain conditions.

cat for folio with bg LR.jpg

Cat illustration
featuring Birmingham landmarks
using a combination of Illustrator and Photoshop.

Life on mars eyes.png

Tee shirt design
- Bowie Eyes

Adobe Illustrator

red bub bowie.tif
cheshire cat woodcut.png

Homage to The Cheshire Cat from
Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Adobe Illustrator

 © 2019 - 2023 Stephanie Stump 

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